SHE will be celebrating Kindness Day on Monday Nov. 13. In honor of World Kindness Day we will have "Cardigan Day" on Monday. Let's share our kindness.
6 months ago, Melissa Beede
Nov. 13
SHE Families---We will have a late start tomorrow due to the fog advisory. We want to keep your kids safe on the way to school. We will open the doors at 9:40 am. Breakfast will be served. School will start at 10:10 am. No school for Prek 3 year olds. Prek 4 year olds will come and still have class and wrap around. 6th graders will not being going on their field trip. See you tomorrow.
6 months ago, Melissa Beede
The Magic Clothing Bus will be out on Saturday Nov 25 at USD 309 District Office-----
6 months ago, Melissa Beede
school bus
We hope that you can join us on Monday Nov. 13 at 5:30 pm for Parent Panel. We will meet in the library. We will look at fall data, discuss visible learning, and learner dispositions. Hope to see you there.
6 months ago, Melissa Beede
Parent Panel
Reminder that we do not have school on Monday Nov. 6. Teachers will be doing professional development.
6 months ago, Melissa Beede
The parade will start at 8:30 a.m. We will be having the parade inside this year due to the cold temperatures that are forecasted for the morning of Oct.31. We will open the doors at 8:20 for families. The viewing areas will be in the gym and cafeteria. We will parade through both locations so give us time it will take a bit to get everyone through the halls.-----Please send your student dressed in costume and ready for the parade. Weapons, blood, and gore will not be allowed. We also ask that all costumes follow the dress code. Students will be asked to change back into regular school clothes after the morning activities so make sure your child has a change of clothes in their backpack.----Attendance will still be taken at 8:10 so it is important that your child(ren) is at school on time and in their classroom by 8:00. -------We are looking forward to a fun day!
6 months ago, Melissa Beede
Tomorrow is picture retake day Friday Oct 27. Please read the following info about retakes. Thank you. *Students that have received photos/proofs and are doing retakes will need to bring their packets to turn into the photographer *Students that missed picture day will need to have an order form completed or online payment completed. Forms can be picked up in the office or sent home today by request. Picture Day ID: EVTKKPGB4
6 months ago, Melissa Beede
Don't forget Gambino's night tonight 4-10 pm!!!!!
7 months ago, Melissa Beede
Thank you to all of our SHE families for the Laps for Learning donations. We raised over $9,900 and walked 2, 137 laps. Mrs. Goetz's class raised the most money with $1, 084 they will have a pizza party. Cylas O. will be principal for the day and Jerrison G./Emerson M. will be assistant principals for the day. The laps for learning swimming party will be held on Dec. 1---more info. to come. The pie the teacher/gift card assembly will be on Dec. 8. Thank you again.
7 months ago, Melissa Beede
Laps Info.
Trunk or Treat sponsored by So. Hutch PD
7 months ago, Melissa Beede
trunk or treat
Don't forget that reservations for Grandparent's Day is Thursday Oct. 19. You can call the office to reserve a spot.
7 months ago, Melissa Beede
Don't forgot Cover the Cruiser!
7 months ago, Melissa Beede
cover the cruiser
SHE Families---Don't forget tomorrow night we get out of school at 3 pm and conferences are from 4-8 pm. ********* As you come into conferences take a minute to write on our What is a Good Learner Poster? We need your help on what you think makes a good learner. Post its and pens will be there for you to jot down your thoughts. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow night.
7 months ago, Melissa Beede
DC Parent Meeting at 7:30pm tonight Parents of current 6-8th graders, Final reminder for tonight's parent meeting for the Washington D.C., Gettysburg and Mt. Vernon school trip! Please consider joining us via Livestream at 7:30pm if you have any interest at all! If you haven't already, RSVP here: To join the meeting, click here: Don't miss out! Mrs. Eden Barr, Mrs. Jenna Weimer & Mrs. Jennifer Fine
7 months ago, Melissa Beede
SHE Families---Please mark your calendars that we get out at 3 pm on Tuesday Oct. 17 and Th. Oct. 19 for conferences. Thank you
7 months ago, Melissa Beede
SHE Families----Please make sure that your child is ready at the bus stop on time. The bus has to keep to a schedule to make sure they get the kids to the school on time. Also, if you have a preschool student riding the bus an adult needs to be waiting when they return from school unless you have made other arrangements with the bus barn.
7 months ago, Melissa Beede
Parents & Family of current 6-8th graders, Join us virtually on Monday, October 16th at 7:30pm for details about this once-in-a-lifetime adventure to Washington, D.C., Gettysburg and Mount Vernon during the summer of 2025. Your student will bring home an RSVP card today. You can either have your student return the card, or click here to RSVP digitally: To join the meeting, click this link: Regards, Mrs. Eden Barr, Mrs. Jenna Weimer & Mrs. Jennifer Fine
7 months ago, Melissa Beede
We love for families to come and cheer on their children. You don't need to check in at the office just come on back to the track. Please bundle up the kids it's going to be cold on Friday. See you then!
7 months ago, Melissa Beede
Bracelet Fundraiser for playground equipment---Oct. 16-19 & Oct. 24-28----before school outside the gym.
7 months ago, Melissa Beede
Laps money is due by the end of the day Wednesday Oct. 11. Thank you for all of your support.
7 months ago, Melissa Beede